[Prev|Next|Index] Thu, Feb 22, 1996 Christopher King A question of responsibility By Christopher King The Communications (in)Decency Act of 1996 is more than just an attack on our freedom of speech, it's a wakeup call for democracy. In order for democracy to work, the citizenry must take responsibility for their government... the CDA isn't the fault of the politicians, the Christian right, big business, etc; it's _our_ fault. We voted these people into office didn't we? (if you didn't vote you might as well have cast two votes for the opposition) We contribute money to "Christian" causes, don't we? (you have the right, no, the obligation to know how your contributions are spent) We purchase the products of big business, no? Nobody's political views are as fickle as those of a business who is losing customers. We have to be willing take responsibility for our own lives. If our children find 'indecent' material on the internet, it as much our fault for not supervising them better as it would be if they in an auto accident because we didn't check their safety belts. It is _NOT_ the job of our government to protect and raise our children it is ours. The CDA is all points warning that we have grown too lazy in making our choices... we have to act on this warning and all those that will follow because the freedoms of democracy aren;t like a medal that you win and then hang on the wall to admire, they are something that you have to personally take responsibility for and keep fighting for day after day... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Twenty-Four Hours of Democracy]